Thanksgiving Welcome

Thanksgiving Welcome

Thanksgiving…what better day is there to write my very first blog post on my long awaited new website.
Two years. That just seems like a long time to wait for a website in the fast-paced technology world. Maybe it’s not. Maybe I’m just impatient. (No..not maybe). But dangit I’m in a hurry! I have so many things inside my head that I want to get out and share with the world!
The term Caffeine Before Chaos came to me one night when I was on the verge of sleep but the brain would just not let it happen. It just popped into my head and I said it out loud. My husband looked at me and said, “Those 3 words describe you perfectly.” Yes. Yes they do. I have a very chaotic job as a special education teacher and to get through each day I need the help of a doctor. Dr. Pepper is his name and I have to confess…I’m in love with him. He calms my soul and makes me a nicer person. I know he’s bad for me but I haven’t found a way to kick him to the curb yet…and don’t judge me but quite honestly I have no intentions to anytime soon. Caffeine before chaos is a way of life for me and I knew it was the name I’d been searching for.
I quickly got out of bed and began scouring the internet to see if the domain was available. And what about TPT? And FB? And IG? The simplistic logo, colors and fonts were created in less than an hour and that folks is how it works. 3 little words.
And so, in honor of the day when we give thanks for all that we have…3 things I’m thankful for on this gorgeous Thursday afternoon are…
  1. I’m thankful for a family who has no clue about the goings-on in my head but love me and support me nonetheless.
  2. I’m thankful for a web designer who patiently led me through a process that was completely and utterly foreign to me after having a different web designer take my money and not see it through.
  3. I’m thankful that I now have a platform where I can share ALL the things in my head to help other educators grow professionally and other entrepreneurs to find their inspiration and determination to live their best lives.
Happy Thanksgiving friends,