Please join me for a moment of silence in memory of all the hundreds of hours I've spent obsessing over how to write this post ( name is Jennifer and I'm a perfectionist ) and for all the money I've spent trying to learn all the things while having ADD and not completing a single course.

 I can't help it.  It's just who I am.   I have researched how to become a blog writer over and over and over and over again until I am just flat exhausted and am still no closer to finding the elusive answer to my question. 

 So I just decided to go with the 1 piece of advice that I heard from many different sources...JUST DO IT ALREADY.  Just start writing and the rest will fall into place.

So here we go.  The pity party is over and I am ready to do the work to conquer the world.  Well, not conquer the world.  My only goal with this website and blog is to teach.  It's my life's passion, purpose and calling.   And I will be the first to tell you...I'm damn good at it.  Moving from teaching children to teaching teachers is daunting because, let's be honest, teachers don't always make the best learners.  But if you are here, my guess is you are at least somewhat interested in improving yourself in some way and that's all I need from you.  A desire to learn.

 So what is it I intend on teaching?? Well let's start with what I know well....the ins and outs of special education, how to build a strong, cohesive department, improving staff morale and creating products for TPT.   

So stick around and let me teach you all I know about All The Things.